
Monday, September 22, 2008


I enter the season of autumn with love and joy in my heart, knowing my life is blessed with abun­dance and glory. Our family tragedy has receded; embers glow where fires ravaged. Our love is renewed and strengthened; mutual appreciation grows.

At home, the change of season brings slightly cooler breezes in the evenings plus rising ocean levels, so that we sleep to the rhythm of crashing waves each night.

Peter and I will enjoy this autumn in Hawaii, San Francisco, Napa Valley, Lake Tahoe, and Boulder over the next few weeks, and in late October I will return to the mainland with Caroline to work for Barack Obama's election in Nevada, Michigan and Pennsylvania. After the election, I'll visit Ayna in NYC, Greg and Susan in D.C., then John and Lindy in Philadelphia.

On this autumn equinox, I dedicate myself with renewed attention to the healing and strengthening of my family, and to elect Barack Obama -- thus advancing the healing of our country and the world.

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