
Monday, December 20, 2010

Seven Year Cycle

Various theories in several disciplines -- from scientific to esoteric -- subscribe to a view that our bodies and our "life experiences" undergo radical change every seven years.

Although I have not studied seven year patterns in my own life prior to this, I know that a devastating seven year cycle has come to an end. Hallelujah! There's actual joy and reason to celebrate this holiday season. The winter solstice promises a red full moon as part of tonight's lunar eclipse -- a significant and beneficial omen.

Hatred and divisiveness that were promulgated by Peter's sister and mother are part of a different universe now, never more to hurt our family. Nothing that they can do or say will affect us.

Peter, Rachel, and I have shared the transcripts of the past seven years, have reached a common understanding, and have renewed our family bond.

It's unfortunate that the malignant narcissists had to be jettisoned -- but they brought their fates upon themselves. Fortunately, I've made some of the finest friends of my life during the past seven years -- including Sheri, whose path crossed mine in 2006, and with whom I'll be connected always. As well, Peter and I have developed new "family" in Hawaii, and these cherished friends provide a true, loving ohana that enriches our lives more than Carol Klein or Patty Grossman ever could have done.

Here is a snap of Sheri, Rachel, and me at breakfast the morning after the Rally to Restore Sanity:

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