
Sunday, December 21, 2008


All narcissists have attachment problems. Narcissists are unable to parent in the loving, giving, selfless ways that are required to produce emotionally healthy children. Many adult children of narcissists find themselves unable to build healthy attachments, so the problem perpetuates. Narcissists always resent attachment when they encounter it; predictably, they attempt to weaken securely attached relationships that they observe between people close to them.

Ever unable to accept responsibility for problems they cause, narcissists invariably deflect blame to others -- repeatedly accusing them of anything that might stick, e.g., mental illness or projection.

This happens even when narcissists are presented with irrefutable evidence of their misdeeds. In narcissism, denial is an integral means to escape personal responsibility. Two recurring activities and attributes of this destructive and remorseless personality type predominate: schadenfreude and self-righteous denigration of others.

It's virtually impossible for narcissists to admit accountability for mistakes or ill-intended activities. Never expect an honest resolution to problems or issues with narcissists.

Craziness ricochets when dealing with narcissists -- that's how they're able to function. Sometimes it's called projective identification.

note: this post is dedicated to the malignant narcissists who attempted to destroy our family: Patty Grossman and Carol Z. Klein.

1 comment:

Carol Porter said...

A dramatic account of life with malignant narcissists:

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